Monday, November 14, 2011

     This poster represents a cry for help from the ecosystems on our planet. The rise in Earth's temperature, known as global warming, could cause the extinction of many plant and animal species in the near future. The poster is visually appealing and grabs your attention with bright colors, but once you read the text, a depressing mood sets in. The animals are asking for help and you learn that a million plant and animal species could become extinct in the next 50 years; that is something your future children will have to deal with. The poster is full of plants and animals from all different ecosystems in the world, showing that not only one area is being effected by global warming. This is a worldwide issue at hand. The center of the image is a gas mask with plants in its face piece. This graphic hits hard. Trees are supposed to clean our air, but if even they must resort to a gas mask, everyone will be in serious trouble. The text on the poster is white on a black background, making it clear and easy to read. The text on the top of the poster reads, "Global Warming its not to late..." This statement leaves viewers with a bit of hope.
     I find this ad poster to be very persuasive. Although there are a few grammatical errors in the text, the writing still leaves a heavy impact on viewers. It shows them that global warming is a serious problem, but leaves them knowing that they can help fight it. The use of colors and graphics, are great attention grabbers and lure in an audience. Once capturing their attention, the graphics leave a powerful impression in the sense that they are more than what meets the eye. Everything is centered on the poster and the text is easy to read, making it visually appealing and comprehensible. This poster can grab the attention of viewers of all ages and warn them of the effects of global warming, hopefully directing them into saving our planet.       

Dutch. Global Warming. Digital image. DESIGNM.AG. Prakash Ghodke, 15 Sept. 2010. Web. 14 Nov. 2011. <>.

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