Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Facebook With a Capital I for Increase

     According to Nicole B. Ellison, Charles Steinfield, and Cliff Lampe, authors of "The Benefits of Facebook 'Friends:' Social Capital and College Students' Use of Online Social Network Sites," social network sites allow individuals to put themselves out there, express their social networks, and establish or maintain connections with others. Such sites as Facebook can be used toward work-related context, romantic relationship initiation, connecting with those who share like interests, connecting with new people, or keeping in touch with old friends. Whatever the case may be for usage, Facebook is shown to increase a persons social capital. Users can experience bridging social capital with others who can help them gain in the work force, bonding social capital with others that they trust when they are in a time of need, or maintained social capital with old friends that are there for support in multiple types of areas, all through Facebook. 
       I agree that Facebook is a way for users to increase their social capital. Whether it is through brand new connections or old ties from home, keeping in touch with others in local areas can help maintain a users lifestyle. Facebook can open users eyes to job offers, relationships, and family and friend bonding. College students, who make up majority of Facebook users, especially benefit from the use of Facebook. Not only can they keep ties with old friends from high school when they move away to reduce homesickness, but after they add new members from college these students have social ties in their new living environment and their old environment that they can count on for offline connections as well. Participants can find out about events, job offers, and awareness benefits all through the power of one social network site like Facebook!

1 comment:

  1. That is an interesting idea about social capital and the power of social networking sites to increase your social capital. Good article and great post, Carly.
