Monday, November 21, 2011

     Vandalism is the deliberate destruction of or damage to public or private property and can take the form of destroying property, setting off fire alarms, stealing, and writing graffiti. Often times, peer pressure and hostility towards a school are the reasons for vandalism on campuses. Most acts of vandalism occur when the perpetrator is under the influence of drugs or alcohol. According to, "One in ten students report engaging in vandalism due to alcohol." The student body is the group that suffers from these acts of violence. Colleges pay economic and social prices when it comes to repairing damage, collecting from student fees and morale. Warning students of the high costs of vandalism on campus and its effects on student fees and establishing drug and alcohol free residences are two ways of preventing this problem.
     I know from personal experiences that vandalism is a problem for countless schools. Many students are careless about their campus and don't feel like it is an issue when they damage something. This type of reckless behavior is most definitely tied to the use of drugs and alcohol. When under the influence, students are even more carefree with their actions and don't see how they effect them in the long run. They believe that it will become the janitor's problem by morning. In order to promote an on campus environment where the issues of vandalism are minimal, schools spirit must be targeted. Events, socials, and other fun activities held on campus make the place more fun and boost resident morale. A student that loves his/her school is much less likely to damage it, even when judgement is impaired by drugs or alcohol.


  1. Excellent job on your summary and response on the topic of vandalism. :) SBS

  2. You did a good job and had all the information and I really like the picture.
