Monday, November 28, 2011

High Five Florida!

Florida’s “Big Five” are panthers, alligators, its beaches, the everglades, and oranges. Over the last twenty years there has been a dramatic change to most of the things on this list. The number of living Florida panthers is very low. The Florida panther was placed on the states endangered species list in 1973 and since then numbers are decreasing at a much slower rate, but they are still dropping because of habitat loss and contact with humans. The Florida Everglades, where panthers were once very abundant, now holds very few of these mammals and the Everglades it self is in danger. From the beginning, the Everglades were actively drained using pump systems and the planting of Melaleuca trees. Although it was realized that the everglades should be preserved and not drained, it was impossible to remove all of the trees harming it because they are an exotic species and have no natural predators or diseases to kill them off. Where as draining is not as large of a problem for the everglades now, industrial development near by is. Building infrastructure so close to the wetlands allows for pollution in the air, pollution in run off, and it creates more contact with humans and the native species. Alligator numbers in Florida have dropped as well. Although the animals are not apart of the endangered species list, their numbers are very important to Florida’s habitats. There are certain hunting seasons when it is legal to poach alligators, but their numbers should continue to be preserved because they are a keystone species in the everglades. As for the beaches in Florida, there has also been a change in the last twenty years. You could go to almost any part of Florida’s coast and notice the receding shoreline. Because of the beauty beaches provide, development on the coast for homes is becoming more and more common. Most of the time, dredging and other tactics that mess up sand distribution are used. Other than homes being built, inlets are designed, sea walls are put up, and jetties are built. All of these man-made projects interrupt natural ocean currents, effect sand distribution, cause habitat loss for animals, create pollution, and in the end, destroy the beaches. Although Florida oranges have not had severe problems in the last twenty years, it is possible that they may in the near future. Factors from global warming and climate change have allowed for very strange weather. Just recently Florida went through a series of freeze periods where farmers were struggling to keep their crops alive. If strange weather patterns continue, the fruit that Florida is known for could be in trouble.   

Monday, November 21, 2011

     Vandalism is the deliberate destruction of or damage to public or private property and can take the form of destroying property, setting off fire alarms, stealing, and writing graffiti. Often times, peer pressure and hostility towards a school are the reasons for vandalism on campuses. Most acts of vandalism occur when the perpetrator is under the influence of drugs or alcohol. According to, "One in ten students report engaging in vandalism due to alcohol." The student body is the group that suffers from these acts of violence. Colleges pay economic and social prices when it comes to repairing damage, collecting from student fees and morale. Warning students of the high costs of vandalism on campus and its effects on student fees and establishing drug and alcohol free residences are two ways of preventing this problem.
     I know from personal experiences that vandalism is a problem for countless schools. Many students are careless about their campus and don't feel like it is an issue when they damage something. This type of reckless behavior is most definitely tied to the use of drugs and alcohol. When under the influence, students are even more carefree with their actions and don't see how they effect them in the long run. They believe that it will become the janitor's problem by morning. In order to promote an on campus environment where the issues of vandalism are minimal, schools spirit must be targeted. Events, socials, and other fun activities held on campus make the place more fun and boost resident morale. A student that loves his/her school is much less likely to damage it, even when judgement is impaired by drugs or alcohol.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Facebook With a Capital I for Increase

     According to Nicole B. Ellison, Charles Steinfield, and Cliff Lampe, authors of "The Benefits of Facebook 'Friends:' Social Capital and College Students' Use of Online Social Network Sites," social network sites allow individuals to put themselves out there, express their social networks, and establish or maintain connections with others. Such sites as Facebook can be used toward work-related context, romantic relationship initiation, connecting with those who share like interests, connecting with new people, or keeping in touch with old friends. Whatever the case may be for usage, Facebook is shown to increase a persons social capital. Users can experience bridging social capital with others who can help them gain in the work force, bonding social capital with others that they trust when they are in a time of need, or maintained social capital with old friends that are there for support in multiple types of areas, all through Facebook. 
       I agree that Facebook is a way for users to increase their social capital. Whether it is through brand new connections or old ties from home, keeping in touch with others in local areas can help maintain a users lifestyle. Facebook can open users eyes to job offers, relationships, and family and friend bonding. College students, who make up majority of Facebook users, especially benefit from the use of Facebook. Not only can they keep ties with old friends from high school when they move away to reduce homesickness, but after they add new members from college these students have social ties in their new living environment and their old environment that they can count on for offline connections as well. Participants can find out about events, job offers, and awareness benefits all through the power of one social network site like Facebook!

Monday, November 14, 2011

     This poster represents a cry for help from the ecosystems on our planet. The rise in Earth's temperature, known as global warming, could cause the extinction of many plant and animal species in the near future. The poster is visually appealing and grabs your attention with bright colors, but once you read the text, a depressing mood sets in. The animals are asking for help and you learn that a million plant and animal species could become extinct in the next 50 years; that is something your future children will have to deal with. The poster is full of plants and animals from all different ecosystems in the world, showing that not only one area is being effected by global warming. This is a worldwide issue at hand. The center of the image is a gas mask with plants in its face piece. This graphic hits hard. Trees are supposed to clean our air, but if even they must resort to a gas mask, everyone will be in serious trouble. The text on the poster is white on a black background, making it clear and easy to read. The text on the top of the poster reads, "Global Warming its not to late..." This statement leaves viewers with a bit of hope.
     I find this ad poster to be very persuasive. Although there are a few grammatical errors in the text, the writing still leaves a heavy impact on viewers. It shows them that global warming is a serious problem, but leaves them knowing that they can help fight it. The use of colors and graphics, are great attention grabbers and lure in an audience. Once capturing their attention, the graphics leave a powerful impression in the sense that they are more than what meets the eye. Everything is centered on the poster and the text is easy to read, making it visually appealing and comprehensible. This poster can grab the attention of viewers of all ages and warn them of the effects of global warming, hopefully directing them into saving our planet.       

Dutch. Global Warming. Digital image. DESIGNM.AG. Prakash Ghodke, 15 Sept. 2010. Web. 14 Nov. 2011. <>.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Silence of the Males

 In the video, "Why men dont talk to women," I think the author is trying to show viewers that women tend over think guy talk. Women listen to what a man has to say to them, then they over analyze the situation and create their own meaning to his empty words. Because of this, men feel that no matter what they say to a woman, they're always wrong. Even something as little as, "Hi. How are you?" can be turned around by a female. I think this particular video is very entertaining in the sense that it is very dramatic, but I don't agree with it 100 percent. Yes, women tend to over react based off of what men say to them, but I think this video was a little to drastic and extreme.