Thursday, October 13, 2011

A Salty Solution

           Just as the shinning sun peaks through your bedroom window’s blinds every Saturday morning, you can turn on the TV and see two of the most polar opposite cartoon characters do work. Although both characters play a leading role in the same cartoon, they couldn’t be more different. Based off of their personalities alone, Spongebob Squarepants and Squidward Tenticles should live in different galaxies.
            Every morning, bright and early, Spongebob’s massive alarm clock makes a honking noise as loud as 10 simultaneous volcanic eruptions. The enormous horn that sticks out of the alarm’s base creates a sound much like a jet engine firing up before take off. To most people, a sound this loud in the morning would make their ears bleed. Not Spongebob, he hops out of bed and straight into his little square pants, ready to start his day. His mornings begin loud and hectic, but that’s the way he likes it. Squidward on the other hand sets his golden alarm like a trinket. When it jingles in the morning, much like sleigh bells on Christmas, he calmly takes off his eye cover and stretches to his leisure. His mornings start relaxed and quiet.
            The same difference goes for their personalities. When Spongebob talks, his voice is so high pitched and loud, it will leave ringing in your ears for months. He talks as fast as an auctioneer and with as much enthusiasm as a cheerleader. Spongebob could tell Patrick that Santa Clause isn’t real and it would sound exciting. Every move he makes, every thought he thinks, is a reflection of his bubbly personality. His main goal is to always have fun and be friends with everybody. You can see this clearly by listening to his “F.U.N.” song. “F is for friends that do stuff together. U is for you and me. N is for anywhere, at any time, at all. Down here in the deep blue sea!” Then there is Squidward. His voice sounds like something you would hear from a telephone operator that just got beaten with a baseball bat. Every word he speaks is so monotone, you could fall asleep standing up if you were having a conversation with him. Squidwards’ sentences are so slow and dragged out, it makes him as dull as a blade that was used to cut 10,000 rocks. Everything he does is sluggish and lethargic. Opposite of Spongebob who would rather act wild and crazy, Squidward spends his time doing relaxing things like taking bubble baths, playing his clarinet, and painting. He doesn’t care if he makes people mad because he doesn’t feel the need to be best friends with everybody like Spongebob. These two neighbors have such different personalities it’s like comparing a fish to a bird.
            Sporting the same square outfit on his holey body as he does everyday, Spongebob’s appearance looks sharp. He is nicely dressed and ready for his days activities. He is equipped with a white button down, a red tie, brown shorts, and black shoes so squeaky clean you could see your reflection in them. He is well put together like an eight-year-old schoolboy dressed by his mommy. Then there is Squidward. His motto should be, “No shoes, no pants, no problem.” The only thing you find on his pale blue body is a crummy brown collared shirt. It looks like he rolls out of bed every morning into his dirty clothesbasket, just to choose the plainest top he can throw on his body. Although his shirt only goes halfway down his torso, you somehow manage to never see his bear behind. Squidward and Spongebob most definitely have different stylists.
            Although Spongebob and Squidward are as different as sharks and minnows, their roles in the cartoon make for a great show. They entertain little kids all across the globe with their quirky differences in appearance and personality. Spongebob is loose as a goose whereas Squidward is uptight like the old men who yell, “Hey you kids! Get off my lawn!” The two sea creatures certainly set the stage for hilarious cartoons playing on a lazy Saturday morning.  


  1. That was fun to read, Carly. Thanks.

  2. This was a creative topic I never would of thought of comparing these two characters. It was really interesting to read with descriptive you were.
