Monday, October 17, 2011

Midterm Assesment Part II

     For my Midterm Reflection Assignment Part II, I used GoAnimate to create a short skit. I chose to use GoAnimate because I thought it would be a really cool tool for reflecting my experiences in Composition One. The website was very clear in its' directions, making it easy to use. I thought it was very cute that I could choose accents and languages for each character as well. I had a very easy time creating a fun skit with cute characters, but I was annoyed at how short each dialect line had to be. I had to cut down everyone of my sentences to make everything fit in 10 dialog lines of 180 characters each.
     If I was to do something differently to make my reflection better I would choose a different setting and characters. I would try to find a setting where the characters move around and grab the viewers attention more effectively.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the link, but did you know that you can embed the code and view the GoAnimate directly?
    Watch your use of apostrophes...its not its' and viewer's not viewers.
