Wednesday, October 26, 2011

     Both images are posters advertising Veterans Day. Poster number one uses a sunlit golden background to capture the viewer's eye. The type is legible and in all capital letters. The caps lock effect makes the viewer believe they are reading something very important. The edges of the poster are a little darker than the middle of the poster where the sun shines right through an American flag. This use of light creates focus on the flag itself. This poster is very clear in what is advertising. Poster number two is mostly black and white. The only color visible is in the words, "Veterans Day' and the year "2007". The background of the picture is a shoe imprint in dirt. The text goes along with this image when it talks about following in the footsteps of generations, but the text is so small it seems barley important. The date at the bottom of the poster is important because it informs people on which day they will be celebrating this holiday. The way everything is centered on the poster is also important because it creates balance.
     Poster number one does a better job of advertising Veterans Day because it uses important light techniques and colors to catch the viewers eye. More people would notice this poster while walking than they would a black and white foot print poster. The text on poster one is also better because it is larger and in all capital letters. The reader thinks, "Wow they must really think this is important if it is in caps lock." 

2010. Photograph. Kick Acts Magazine. By Chuck Gee. 11 Nov. 2010. Web. 26 Oct. 2011. <>.

Photograph. BlogSpot. Web. <>.

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