Saturday, February 25, 2012

End the Destruction!

     One challenge that not only harms certain localized areas, but also effects the whole globe, is habitat/ecosystem destruction. The continued loss of more and more ecosystem is changing the planet and causing many species to become endangered. A news article I found on a website called Green Environmental News showed a prime example of this. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (N.O.A.A.), announced that they will be dedicating two sections (41,914 square miles) of marine habitat for protection, on the West coast where endangered leatherback sea turtles are known to travel. "Critical habitat designations only affect federal plans that have the potential to adversely modify or destroy critical habitat," so this will help aide the leatherback in its fight against extinction by protecting its home. For more information you can visit:
     After visiting the Student Involvement page at FGCU, I found the club called Eco-Action. The main focus of this organization is to improve local ecosystems and encourage environmentally sustainable outdoor recreational activities. I was a bit disappointed that they did not have a website to learn more, but I know that this is a very important issue here in Southwest Florida. With so many natural habitats in our area, it is important that we protect them and keep the ecosystems alive. The biggest cause of habitat destruction is building homes, businesses, and other infrastructure and that is what I want to change. To fight for the protection of wildlife, I could team up with large wildlife organizations such as N.O.A.A. and fight to have important ecosystems protected. Along with protecting these areas, educational tours could be given to specify the importance of each habitat to our entire world. The best way to change a problem is to prevent it from happening in the first place. When people are knowledgeable about their surroundings, they can better the world by making smarter decisions when it comes to building, recycling, polluting, and other events that take a toll on our environment.

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