Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A Knight in Silver Armor ♔

With a taste so good there's no denying a bag full of sweet, sweet Hershey kisses. Each individually wrapped chocolate acts like a knight in silver armor prepared to kick any crave for something chocolatey to the curb. They melt in your mouth so smooth, you'd think you were eating a mudslide after Asia's yearly monsoon season. With one glimpse at the shimmering tinfoil dress each kiss wears, you could loose a gallon of saliva just thinking about its taste. Their miniature tornado shape might give you the impression that they are rough and rugged, but once you rip off the foil like a 6 year old tearing through birthday presents, you and your taste buds will be singing, "Hallelujah". The little white paper sticking out of the top that reads, "kisses™," looks more like an, "Eat me," written on a surrender flag. Give the gift of a Hershey kiss and give the feeling of sunshine kissing your skin until it's golden brown, but remember, one is never enough! Be sure to buy a whole bag because after your first, your hooked. You will feel as though you need them like a fish needs water.


  1. I love your description, particularly the metaphors of knight in shining armor, a mudslide, the feeling of sunshine.
    You will want to proofread your work for errors in grammar and mechanics.

    spelling: remember
    switching from singular to plural (a kiss...then they...keep it either singular or plural throughout.
    commas after introductory sentences

    I like the photo!! Good visual impact.

  2. Thank you! I'll make sure to proof read more thoroughly next time.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This should be an ad. My mouth waters as I read this, again the description is really good.
