Wednesday, September 21, 2011

To Copy or Not to Copy...

     Plagiarism is turning up more and more in colleges across the country. It seems as though the issue at hand is that many students do not know that they are plagiarizing. They believe that getting information from the Internet makes it fair game and it does not need to be credited. Students also do not think it is necessary to credit work that is taken from a webpage with no listed author. It is these common misconceptions that are creating the major rise in plagiarism, but another culprit lurks. Students are becoming more and more lazy when it comes to writing papers. Many have openly admitted to copy and pasting because they just do not care. They are plagiarizing papers and turning them in simply to receive a grade.
     After reading Plagiarism Lines Blur for Students in Digital Age, I agree with the ideas stated. Many students go through high school without learning when or how to properly credit a source. Some think they can throw ideas together here and there from articles and call them their own. This is not the case. There is need for clarification amongst undergraduate students about when to cite work from Internet sources, newspaper articles, books, and even live performances because some truly do not know how to do so. The other problem with plagiarism today is laziness. A number of students struggle with plagiarism because they simply do not care to avoid it. They want to take the easy way out of writing papers by copying and pasting whatever looks good to them from other work, thinking they can get away with it. Plagiarism is a real problem in all colleges and it is not something that is taken lightly.  

Friday, September 16, 2011

A Sky of Colors

The only way to experience the sky unfolding like a blossoming tulip is to set your wake up call for 6:00 in the morning. Sure that’s a little early for some, but if you want to feast your eyes upon an unreal site, you won’t hit the snooze button when your alarm clock jangles. Gold, violet, blue, and purple engulf the horizon and swallow it whole. The sun starts to creep up on you like a shark stalking an injured tuna, using its lateral lines to track its prey’s every move. Calmness swells the air and you feel as though you’re breathing in pure happiness. The waves play catch with the little birds that dare run the shoreline. Sandy toes beg for more like a five year old with puppy dog eyes in the middle of the game isle in Toys-R-Us. You want to feel the comfort of home when you’re really just lounging outdoors? Watch the sunrise on a perfect morning from Fort Lauderdale beach and you will never want to leave.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A Knight in Silver Armor ♔

With a taste so good there's no denying a bag full of sweet, sweet Hershey kisses. Each individually wrapped chocolate acts like a knight in silver armor prepared to kick any crave for something chocolatey to the curb. They melt in your mouth so smooth, you'd think you were eating a mudslide after Asia's yearly monsoon season. With one glimpse at the shimmering tinfoil dress each kiss wears, you could loose a gallon of saliva just thinking about its taste. Their miniature tornado shape might give you the impression that they are rough and rugged, but once you rip off the foil like a 6 year old tearing through birthday presents, you and your taste buds will be singing, "Hallelujah". The little white paper sticking out of the top that reads, "kisses™," looks more like an, "Eat me," written on a surrender flag. Give the gift of a Hershey kiss and give the feeling of sunshine kissing your skin until it's golden brown, but remember, one is never enough! Be sure to buy a whole bag because after your first, your hooked. You will feel as though you need them like a fish needs water.